Mutual learning next program

After two successful programs, we are opening the doors of our Mutual Learning Program starting September 2023!

Are you part of an organisation interested in family and community-based care? Would you like to know more about the transition process by exchanging experiences and ideas with other care practitioners and NGOs?

Wilde Ganzen, Transform Alliance Africa, Daniëlle Children’s Fund, COLT, Kidscare, Hope and Homes for Children and Instituto Kanankil have developed the Mutual Learning Program. Mutual Learning believes in connecting care practitioners worldwide to inspire and mutually transform towards high-quality family and community-based care. They facilitate collaboration, dialogue and the exchange of experiences with an international community via a digital platform and a six-month learning program. Within the six-month program, know-how, practical experiences and challenges are being shared. Instead of a top-down approach, telling people what to do and how to do it, the participants are invited to think together to shape ideas. The program works according to the philosophy of collaboration and dialogue. An important element of the program is the joint analysis of submitted cases by all participants.

Mutual Learning will start their next program September 2023. Are you interested in joining? Join the information meeting July 19th (English group: 13.00 GMT, Spanish group: 14.00 GMT) or August 9th (English + Spanish: 14.00 GMT). For more information and registration, visit or e-mail


We share with you the video we prepared for the anniversary of TAOS where you can watch an enriching conversation based on the learnings of the last Mutual Learning program.

Come and join us!